April 1, 2015

April Adopt-A-Blogger!

When I learned that I was going to be the blogger chosen for Adopt-A-Blogger for April, I was so surprised!  I have loved following along, praying for, and learning about a new blogger each month, and I'm shocked and humbled that its me for this month.  Thank you for stopping by here, for your prayers, to Conceiving Hope for hosting this, to the previous host TCIE, and continued prayers for last month's blogger, Casey at My Love is Too Little. Ok, that's probably enough for my acceptance speech, lol.

To give a little background on me, I'm a 20-something cradle Catholic, a crazy dog person, and, last but certainly not least, have been married to the most wonderful man (or the Hubs as I refer to him on here) since 2011.  We met in/right before law school* and its been pretty much happily ever after since then :).  To hear more about our love story, you can check out these posts.

My story with infertility stretches back to when I was a teenager and diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), its been a long (wow, ten year) road.  You can read more about it if you'd like on the Infertility Journey page, which has links to more detailed posts too.  Another lovely part of PCOS is weight struggles, so you may notice that I post about my weight journey a bit too, and you can find a summary of it on my Weight Journey Page.  We knew before we were married that having children might be difficult, or might not happen, but have been open and hoping for them from day one of our marriage, without any success.  I finally started medical treatment with a wonderful NaPro doctor last year, where I picked up some more diagnoses, and have been through quite a few different treatments and procedures, including an Ovarian Wedge Resection in December of last year (which you can read about here).

Unfortunately, right now its not looking like the surgery worked, as my body is not ovulating on its own or (other than possibly once) responding to meds to try to make it ovulate. (The Hubs doesn't think its surprising that my body does the opposite of what I want it to, apparently it's stubborn like me).  We have one more medicine to try, which I should be starting this month. As much as I hope it works, the doctor wasn't very confident about that possibility.  If that medicine fails, we hit a fork in the road: we can continue on with medications that are much more expensive (like thousands of dollars from what I understand) and harsh on the body, end treatment and consider pursuing fostering and/or adoption, or maybe something else we haven't thought of, I don't know.  We are weighing those heavily right now, and would appreciate your prayers for our discernment.

*ETA* I just wanted to update, I actually did respond to the meds last month and ovulated!  For more details you can check out this post.  So we're actually sticking with the same medicine, not even switching, and things are looking a little brighter over here.  Those prayers are working fast!

We are also trying to be more fruitful in other ways (This blogger has a great series on that), and so right now we're trying to get an infertility ministry approved and off the ground at our parish. We'd appreciate prayers that it is successful, if that is God's will.

Thank you again for stopping by, and for your prayers.  I look forward to facing this month with your support. If you have any other questions (or want to see a picture of my dogs :) ) feel free to check out my About Page, comment here or anywhere, or send me an email at tomato (at) tomatosvine.com

*yes, I'm a lawyer, I hope that doesn't change your opinion of me, we're not all bad


  1. Praying for you, Tomato! Praying that you will experience God's healing touch this month, in whatever form that may be. God bless you guys!

  2. It is so hard to know what to do. Praying for your discernment!

  3. Lots to discern. Praying for you as you continue your journey to grow your family!

  4. I definitely understand that need to discern the next step. Lots of prayers for y'all, and good luck with you infertility ministry!

    1. Thank you, and I hope your discernment has been going well too!

  5. I look forward to praying for you this month!

  6. Happy to pray for you this month, especially for discernment! That's so great you're starting a ministry at your parish. I hope it goes well. :)

  7. Prayers for you and your discernment! I pray also that you will see visible witness of the spiritual fruit your openness to life is creating.

    1. Thank you for your prayers! And thank you for that beautiful thought, that would be a wonderful thing to see.

  8. I am such a space case- totally just noticed the link to my blog. Thank you!! And that is really awesome about the IF ministry you're working on. I'd be happy to be a sounding board for bouncing ideas if you need it!

    1. Hahaha! Totally there with you on being a space case. Thank you for writing such a great series! We're waiting to see if the parish wants it at all right now, and it what form, but once we're past that I'll definitely take you up on the offer :).

  9. Praying for your discernment this month and for God to surprise you with clarity in a creative way! <3

    1. Thank you! Now I'm expecting nothing less creative than a billboard, haha :)

  10. Replies
    1. I'm so happy you'll be praying for me! Thank you!

  11. What a blessing to get to pray for you specifically!

    1. I'm so blessed that you'll be praying for me! Thank you!
