October 13, 2014

Little Happies- Seven!

Linking up with Stephanie @ Blessed to Be for another Little Happies Monday!


I mentioned last week that we went on an Ikea shopping spree, well, over the last week we slowly got everything put together!  My second favorite project was finally getting some bathroom storage!

I really should've taken  a picture without all of the stuff in it, but I forgot to because I was so excited to get everything in its place.  I absolutely love these things, they're so much more fun than shelves!  My favorite thing is that I can take the little baskets whenever I want, which makes them so accessible.  I'm so glad I got these!


As for my favorite project, it has something to do with the bookcase thing I posted last week :).  Its a project we knew we would be doing as soon as we bought the house, it just took a while to find the right piece of furniture.  It isn't perfect yet, or complete, but here it is:

This is a spot at the top of the stairs that's a perfect focal point. The statue was given to us as a wedding and its absolutely gorgeous.  I still need to figure out what else to put in there, and I kind of want to put something on the back/sides.  Any ideas are welcome!


I know I haven't mentioned much about how paleo has been going, but I am still working at it, and I should be getting a post together about it soon. As a result I've been cooking at least a few dinners a week.  I've been having a lot of fun trying out new recipes, and of course finding and posting them on pinterest.  Definitely a lot of things I wouldn't have tried before.  There have also been some entertaining incidents, like when I set off the fire alarm the other night.  A happy coincidence is that it seems like the more I cook and use the kitchen, the cleaner and more organized I keep it.  A happy kitchen is a happy me :).


So, as is pretty obvious from this post and the last, we've been doing a lot of work on our home.  Along with the furniture, we've been doing a lot of organizing, rearranging, and cleaning.  Although we still have a ton of work left to do, I love how much more comfy and homey our place is feeling!


  1. That is a beautiful statue! I agree it could use something behind it, but I don't know what it would be...

    1. Thank you! Yea I'm still waiting for inspiration to strike on that too, haha.

  2. That bathroom storage project looks fantastic! We also have limited storage in our bathroom, so I hung a plastic shoe rack thing on the back of our bathroom door and we use that to hold most of our stuff. But yours looks so much nicer!! And that Mary bookcase is so lovely! What a great focal point for the top of the stairs. :) Your house projects are great! And glad to hear things have been going well in the kitchen!!

    1. Thank you! The bathroom is like the one organized place in my house now haha. Thanks for the comments!

  3. Maybe you can make/buy a cool garland to tack above St. Mary. One with stars? https://www.etsy.com/market/star_garland

    1. I love this idea! I was considering stars but the idea of star garland didn't even cross my mind. Thanks so much for stopping by!
